tuna canned in oil
tuna canned in oil benefit
tuna canned in oil omega 3
tuna canned in oil vs water
Tuna Canned Indonesia
white tuna canned in oil
White Tuna Canned in Oil versus Light Tuna
You might often see tuna canned in oil available in the market for sale. However, you
might not know that there is other canned tuna type that is also available in
the market. Canned tuna is very popular product that keeps getting popular year
after year. The reason is because tuna meat itself is very versatile so people
can make a lot of dish using canned tuna. Furthermore it also contains less
calories and good amount of protein thus it is considered healthier food
variation that people can consume. If you want to use canned tuna as part of
your dish, then you should know it's types that is available in the market so
you can choose better type among all.
The Difference Between Tuna Canned in Oil
and Water
Actually those tuna types available in the
market can be separated into two main types. Those types are white canned tuna
and light canned tuna. You might not see too many difference among those two types,
however they actually made from different kinds of ingredient since the tuna
type is also different. The white canned tuna type is made only using one kind
of tuna that is the albacore tuna. However the light canned tuna type can be
made using many kinds of tuna such as the skipjacks tuna or yellowfin tuna.
Even at first glance you will be able to
differentiate the two canned tuna types, especially if you are familiar with
canned tuna since you already used it many times before. It can be easily
notice that the tuna meat available inside the can has different colors. For
the white canned tuna, you will notice white to pinkish color tuna meat, this
is the reason why this type of canned tuna is called as white canned tuna.
Furthermore this white meat tuna is the one that is consider as suitable meat
to be canned. While for the light canned tuna type, you will notice tan to dark
red color tuna meat.
However, the biggest difference between the
two canned tuna type is the substance that is being used to soak the tuna meat.
White canned tuna, it is actually tuna canned in oil as the substance. But for light canned tuna, it is actually tuna
canned in water as the substance. As you notice the tuna which canned in water
as the substance will be less oily, thus it will have less calories. That is
why the light canned tuna is considered healthier type among the two.
From the flavor itself, there is a slight
different among the two types. The white tuna canned in oil, the flavor is mild and there is less fishy scent coming
from the meat. The textures also very firm which make you remember chicken
breast with similar texture when tasting it. The light canned tuna, the flavor
is stronger because it has darker tuna meat. The texture is quite soft, which
make you remember chicken thigh with similar texture. Sadly, not many people
like stronger flavor that light canned tuna has thus white canned tuna is more
popular in the market.
On the nutrition side tuna contain good
amount of omega 3 that is why many people like to consume it. Omega 3 is a type
of fat that is unsaturated and good for the development of brain and growth
generally. It is also essential acid which make it good to remove inflammation
on your body. Furthermore, this fatty acid is good for your health as it able
to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Among the two canned tuna type, white tuna canned in oil contains more omega 3
because it has more fat.
You should also remember that every seawater
fish will be contaminated by mercury and that includes tuna since it is also
seawater fish. This contaminant is quite dangerous since it can do some damage
into your nervous system if consumed in large quantity. The risk will be higher
for children and also unborn baby. Still, adult also need to limit their tuna
consumption if they do not want to increase the risk further. White tuna canned in oil actually three times
more mercury compared to the light tuna which canned in water. But you can
still eat it safely one portion every week.